Sarah Solberg

Agent /


Sara Solberg


Hello! My name is Sara Solberg and I'm so excited to help you plan your magical vacations!

I live in Alaska with my husband and three children. I'm a stay-at-home, new to homeschool mom. I became a travel agent to help others plan magical family vacations when I couldn't take my own and my love of helping others plan has only grown!

I've been in love with all things Disney since I was a teenager. When I moved to Alaska and got married, I converted my husband into a Disney addict, and we are now raising our children to love it as well. We love traveling and visiting new destinations, but Disney is in our blood. I've lost count of how many times we've visited Walt Disney World and Disneyland.

I'm so excited to help you plan a vacation where you can make magical memories to last a lifetime!